Thursday, May 13, 2010

Vocal Chords and Hormones

Today I heard that women have a hormone which helps them relieve stress, and that hormone is elevated just by hearing their mother's voice. Something I should keep in mind as I go through this MSW program, and I should always take time to call my mom!

I signed up for my first two classes. I will be starting the first class on June 7th. That class is just a "bridge" course to overview what we learned in our undergrad program. Then at the beginning of July I will start the psychopathology course, which I hear is the hardest course in the program. I'm grateful that will be the only class I'm taking at that time.

So, I have about 3 1/2 weeks before I start my first graduate class. I'm excited, and I'm really excited about the vacation my family is going on right before class. We (my dad, mom, sister, brother-in-law, me and Preston) are going to San Antonio for a week. It will be nice to be together, relax, and breath one last time before getting started! Hopefully it will fill up my "gas tank"!

Yay for today and more YAY for tomorrow because it is Friday....last day of this work week!

:) KJV

Blessed assurance Jesus is mine

P.S. If there are any praying people reading this blog...(not even sure that anyone will read this at all)...but if you are -- PLEASE PRAY THAT I GET A GA!!! A GA is a Graduate Assistantship. That will give me a tuition scholarship for the fall and spring semesters and a stipend as well. I have to get one in order to continue the program in the fall and spring. I'm trying. I'm completing applications and calling people. Just waiting to hear now.

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