So, summer classes are finished. I completed the 2 courses both with an A, which is nice. I think those were probably the easiest classes i will have so I must be grateful for the good grades.
Now I have about two weeks before the fall starts and I'm trying to make the most of it and get things done. Right now I'm working on some sewing projects. I'm beginning by making some purses for my little sis-in-laws. I'm worried b/c they are getting older and I don't know that they
will really like homemade purses anymore. This one of the ones I have made:
All of them will be different shapes/sizes/colors etc. So, we'll see. The next project will be a group project with the older sister in laws. We are going to try to make a wall hanging for our
parents/in-laws. Again, we'll see how that works out. It is nice to sew when I have people to sew for. I would like to get better at sewing clothes but I'm just not very confident in that and I hate making mistakes because I feel wasteful! I also made this card holder for my sis-in-law...I thought it was a cute pattern and I wanted to try it out. I think it turned out to look okay!
Anyway, I really look forward to the day when I'm a stay at home mom. Now I catch glimpses of what is to come. If I were not in school I would have started up a small garden this year...which I will definitely do when I'm done with school next season or so. At some point, when we do not live in city limits, I would love to have our own goats to get fresh goats milk which we LOVE...and then I would have enough to make other things from the goats milk. Just being a mother is something I look forward to very much. I can only image that having children is 100 times more fulfilling than the way I feel about having my cats :) hehehe
Something that slightly concerns me is getting them into a sleep routine. I know that children who have a routine tend to be calmer and feel more secure. So, I have just finished reading this book:

I really liked the way that it put things. It allows for a mom not to worry about the first 4-6 weeks and just enjoy being with the baby and being a mom...and then after about 4-6 wks is when training begins. However, the author does allow for some flexibility in the schedule. She mentions that parent's do not need to adjust their lives for the baby but rather the baby needs to learn how to live within the families normal routine.
Also, the author talks about crying....and she says that there is no learning that goes on after 5 minutes of crying. So, she does not advocate for a child to cry themselves to sleep...which mak
es me happy. I just feel like doing that would go against my motherly nature to comfort my child. Anyway, it is a great book with good rules but not so strict that it is overwhelming to me. Again, we'll see what happens.
One more thing before my rambling stops. This week at work someone brought an ice cream bar...which was really cool and super unhealthy! But on the bar there were mini bananas...which I thought were neat and I had never seen before.
The End.
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