Tuesday, December 28, 2010
At home making salad
It's nice to have the time to prepare healthy meals and not feel rushed. I really enjoy cooking and it is fun for me to cook things that I know are good for our bodies! Today I did get all the ingredients to put in my "salad box", and I took that time to chop every thing up. Sometimes its hard to think of things to go into a salad and so the following are the items that I put in there to then create salads with ease:
-Carrots, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, cucumber, zucchini, corn, peas, onions, avocado, celery, green pepper, olives, and tomatoes. I also have containers with craisons, walnuts, pecans, and chow mein noodles. I also need to cook some chicken and cut it into pieces to have for salads.
I find that eating salads is a great thing for the body and nice way to get a lot of good raw veggies into a meal. I know that some of the vegetables work hard toward digestion and so having some meat in the salad or eating a salad with some cooked foods is a good idea every once in a while. Too much raw food will make your spleen go crazy, but having a salad for lunch every day will make you feel good....just add some chicken to it every once in a while, or make sure to have a cooked dinner!
Well, I should be off to cooking...I'm making a Lentil, Apple, Walnut loaf and some steamed veggies for dinner tonight. Yum!
- Krystal
We came home and got a nap. Nice! Then I cleaned out my cabinets, fridge, and microwave. I feel good about that progress...also got the laundry done. AND -- Preston started working on a spice rack for me, which I'm very excited about!
Tomorrow I think I want to get some touch up painting done, write thank you cards, prep for my next sewing project, and spend some quality time working on my new year goals. I also need to go grocery shopping. I cleaned out my veggie draw in the fridge so it is now ready for new fresh veggies. I'm going to go ahead and cut/chop/dice/shred the veggies and things to go in little Tupperware containers I have. That way it will be easy to put a salad together.
One thing I bought today was Kombu. It is a sea plant that you can add to grains, soups, sauces, and legumes during the cooking process. Kombu is an alkalizing mineral with high iodine and iron. If you put in a small piece with what you are cooking it "reconstitutes and releases its nutrients into the cooking liquid that is then absorbed by your food." It is also a good source to help tenderize legumes and reduce their gaseous properties. There are some soups that I want to make and I'll add just a thumb nail size piece into the stock.

You can also put in a large piece into some water...let it boil...and then you have a Kumbo base for a soup!
Life is good. We had a wonderful/different Christmas this year. The snow kind of through off plans. Preston and I were unable to get to the Visser Christmas in time to see everyone, which was a bummer. However, it was nice that we finally made it and we stayed there really late playing games, which was a lot of fun.
My parents were in town. We also went to a Christmas Eve service with my sister and her husband, which was nice. We did our usual Christmas Eve pizza with my parents, and had a great Holiday weekend!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Television, regrets, and a new year!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Pushing my buttons!
If you have a button for your blog then people can put that button on their blog. People will then see the blogs that you follow. So, you grab people's buttons and put them on your blog. Therefore, I should grab some buttons so you - the reader - can see what I like to read! I don't know if that makes any sense, but I spent a while this morning with this button thing and could not get it to work. After taking a break (and having a very productive day) I came back to it this evening and figured it out. BUT, I'm not really sure that I'm happy with the button I created.
My blog is all about me...no real theme and I change the background of my blog often. So, I was not sure what to use for my button. I think I will just leave it as is for now......and YOU should grab onto my button and put it into your blog.
All you have to do is copy the html code (wierd letters/numbers) that are underneath my button. Then go to "DESIGN" where you edit your blog page. Click on the "add gadget" and then scroll down to the HTML choice. Once you have that opened just paste the html information into the box. You can insert the title "Blogs that I follow" -- and go grab other people's buttons too!!
Blogging is fun...I think,
Saturday, December 18, 2010
What does the future hold?
2. January 7th - Provo, Utah...he's flying here
Christmas Break???
Bags for the girls
I often make Christmas gifts for Preston’s younger sisters. This year I am making them small messenger type bags. They are not perfect but I am really enjoying the process. I find it very fun and rewarding making bags…and my head is always full of new bag ideas. So, here is a pic of my work space:
When you open the flap there are two pockets in the front and a zipper pocket on the top:
I still have one more bag to put together and it will be purple.
It’s fun and I’m learning a lot about sewing. That is a fun thing about projects…you always learn something new! For instance, I learned about making the zipper at the top where it wraps around a corner…I’d never done that before.
And it gives you a neat look on top of the bag
When I’m finished with those bags I have a purse that I want to make…I’ll probably do that after Christmas, and then I want to make me a larger messenger bag at some point.
I’m also working with my sister-in-laws on a handmade family tree wall hanging thing…which has been fun…and you can read about that on Meagan’s blog!
Fun times with sewing!