We came home and got a nap. Nice! Then I cleaned out my cabinets, fridge, and microwave. I feel good about that progress...also got the laundry done. AND -- Preston started working on a spice rack for me, which I'm very excited about!
Tomorrow I think I want to get some touch up painting done, write thank you cards, prep for my next sewing project, and spend some quality time working on my new year goals. I also need to go grocery shopping. I cleaned out my veggie draw in the fridge so it is now ready for new fresh veggies. I'm going to go ahead and cut/chop/dice/shred the veggies and things to go in little Tupperware containers I have. That way it will be easy to put a salad together.
One thing I bought today was Kombu. It is a sea plant that you can add to grains, soups, sauces, and legumes during the cooking process. Kombu is an alkalizing mineral with high iodine and iron. If you put in a small piece with what you are cooking it "reconstitutes and releases its nutrients into the cooking liquid that is then absorbed by your food." It is also a good source to help tenderize legumes and reduce their gaseous properties. There are some soups that I want to make and I'll add just a thumb nail size piece into the stock.

You can also put in a large piece into some water...let it boil...and then you have a Kumbo base for a soup!
Life is good. We had a wonderful/different Christmas this year. The snow kind of through off plans. Preston and I were unable to get to the Visser Christmas in time to see everyone, which was a bummer. However, it was nice that we finally made it and we stayed there really late playing games, which was a lot of fun.
My parents were in town. We also went to a Christmas Eve service with my sister and her husband, which was nice. We did our usual Christmas Eve pizza with my parents, and had a great Holiday weekend!
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