Saturday, February 5, 2011

One long week

I feel like I have been "off" this semester. I'm slightly unmotivated to do my school work, but I'm really enjoying my internship - so that's good! There has yet to be one full week that I have done everything I'm supposed to do exactly the way I'm supposed to do it. I don't know if that makes sense. But we are approaching the fourth week of school....and there have been classes canceled, or online classes meeting, or I've missed a class or missed some work, and I've been at the hospital four out of five mornings this past week. It's just been off so far, and I think it's wearing on me. I'm kind of ready to get in gear; however...

...Preston's grandmother is not doing so well, which has had us at the hospital a lot this past week. It is a very sad time when you see someone you love grieving. Watching some one die brings up interesting conversations with people. It has been a good, emotional, and long week for the Visser/Waterbury families. Even with my salad box (which I still love) we have been eating out more (often at the hospital cafeteria) which has been a bummer to eat unhealthily....but a few weeks off my healthy kick is okay, right?

On top of that MANY of the family members are sick, including Preston. He has been feeling groggy for the last few days. Now he has a slight cough, achy body, and he feels weak -- but no fever. He went to bed at 8:00 tonight...poor guy. It seems like a lack of good sleep and the intense emotions of the week has been wearing on him and the family.

It's nearing midnight. I need to go to bed. I did not have anything to say but just wanted to post on my blog b/c it's been a few weeks!

Goodnight :)

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