Thursday, July 15, 2010

Part Time, Full Time, Anytime?


I did a GA position. It is part time. Which means that I have to work for them, they pay half of my tuition, and I get a small stipend. Which is so very wonderful and I praise the Lord. That also means that I will need to look for something else part time (really part time part time)...just a few hours a week to help out some. However, I think things will be good.

So in the fall it now looks like my time will be spent with 5 classes, 16 hours internship, 10 hours GA, hopefully another 10 hour PT job, sometime for studying, sometime to continue on my work out regiment, time to eat and breath, and time for family. Will there be time for sleep? I hope!

I do get slightly nervous thinking about all the ways my time will be filled come the end of August. I have good support and friends. My professor told us that we will all look back at the year and think "how did we manage all that we just did"....but we'll do it....we'll make it....from August to May = 9 months! in-laws just gave Preston and I our Christmas present early -- season passes to Dollywood that will be fun to use. In fact, we are going to use them this Friday to start off! I'm really excited. That will be nice to have come mid fall/winter when both of us could use a break from schooling. I have very kind and thoughtful in-laws.

I'm a blessed woman.

:) Krystal

Thursday, July 1, 2010


Yikes! Today is the first day of July and I still do not have a GA. That is probably the greatest stresser in my life right now...PTL! I suppose life is good! All experiences are learning ones...right? :)

I finished up my first class last night and I believe that I only missed 1 point on everything - meaning I got a 99 in the class. Of course that class was the easiest class we will have this year. Next class starts July 12th - Psychopathology....another Yikes! However, I've gotten to know a few girls in class and I know that we can help each other out to study and such. Plus, Preston is SO smart and it's helpful to talk over things with him.

Also, now that I'm back in school I can utilize the CPA (gym). I've been able to go at least two days a week for the last few days...not a whole lot...but it has been super nice. I really enjoy working out at the gym. It is a great stress reliever. I'm able to put on some music and relax! And it helps increase my energy level. I am grateful! Of course, that last time I did not stretch appropriately and now I have some pain in my shins...Yikes!

Life is good....I still need a darn GA!!!!!!!! I did interview yesterday for one and it looks promising...but others have looked promising and nothing has come of them. If you are the praying type (and you even read this) please pray!

Alrighty then...peace out....


Oh Victory in Jesus
my Savior forever
He sought me and bought me
with His redeeming love