Tuesday, December 28, 2010
At home making salad
It's nice to have the time to prepare healthy meals and not feel rushed. I really enjoy cooking and it is fun for me to cook things that I know are good for our bodies! Today I did get all the ingredients to put in my "salad box", and I took that time to chop every thing up. Sometimes its hard to think of things to go into a salad and so the following are the items that I put in there to then create salads with ease:
-Carrots, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, cucumber, zucchini, corn, peas, onions, avocado, celery, green pepper, olives, and tomatoes. I also have containers with craisons, walnuts, pecans, and chow mein noodles. I also need to cook some chicken and cut it into pieces to have for salads.
I find that eating salads is a great thing for the body and nice way to get a lot of good raw veggies into a meal. I know that some of the vegetables work hard toward digestion and so having some meat in the salad or eating a salad with some cooked foods is a good idea every once in a while. Too much raw food will make your spleen go crazy, but having a salad for lunch every day will make you feel good....just add some chicken to it every once in a while, or make sure to have a cooked dinner!
Well, I should be off to cooking...I'm making a Lentil, Apple, Walnut loaf and some steamed veggies for dinner tonight. Yum!
- Krystal
We came home and got a nap. Nice! Then I cleaned out my cabinets, fridge, and microwave. I feel good about that progress...also got the laundry done. AND -- Preston started working on a spice rack for me, which I'm very excited about!
Tomorrow I think I want to get some touch up painting done, write thank you cards, prep for my next sewing project, and spend some quality time working on my new year goals. I also need to go grocery shopping. I cleaned out my veggie draw in the fridge so it is now ready for new fresh veggies. I'm going to go ahead and cut/chop/dice/shred the veggies and things to go in little Tupperware containers I have. That way it will be easy to put a salad together.
One thing I bought today was Kombu. It is a sea plant that you can add to grains, soups, sauces, and legumes during the cooking process. Kombu is an alkalizing mineral with high iodine and iron. If you put in a small piece with what you are cooking it "reconstitutes and releases its nutrients into the cooking liquid that is then absorbed by your food." It is also a good source to help tenderize legumes and reduce their gaseous properties. There are some soups that I want to make and I'll add just a thumb nail size piece into the stock.

You can also put in a large piece into some water...let it boil...and then you have a Kumbo base for a soup!
Life is good. We had a wonderful/different Christmas this year. The snow kind of through off plans. Preston and I were unable to get to the Visser Christmas in time to see everyone, which was a bummer. However, it was nice that we finally made it and we stayed there really late playing games, which was a lot of fun.
My parents were in town. We also went to a Christmas Eve service with my sister and her husband, which was nice. We did our usual Christmas Eve pizza with my parents, and had a great Holiday weekend!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Television, regrets, and a new year!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Pushing my buttons!
If you have a button for your blog then people can put that button on their blog. People will then see the blogs that you follow. So, you grab people's buttons and put them on your blog. Therefore, I should grab some buttons so you - the reader - can see what I like to read! I don't know if that makes any sense, but I spent a while this morning with this button thing and could not get it to work. After taking a break (and having a very productive day) I came back to it this evening and figured it out. BUT, I'm not really sure that I'm happy with the button I created.
My blog is all about me...no real theme and I change the background of my blog often. So, I was not sure what to use for my button. I think I will just leave it as is for now......and YOU should grab onto my button and put it into your blog.
All you have to do is copy the html code (wierd letters/numbers) that are underneath my button. Then go to "DESIGN" where you edit your blog page. Click on the "add gadget" and then scroll down to the HTML choice. Once you have that opened just paste the html information into the box. You can insert the title "Blogs that I follow" -- and go grab other people's buttons too!!
Blogging is fun...I think,
Saturday, December 18, 2010
What does the future hold?
2. January 7th - Provo, Utah...he's flying here
Christmas Break???
Bags for the girls
I often make Christmas gifts for Preston’s younger sisters. This year I am making them small messenger type bags. They are not perfect but I am really enjoying the process. I find it very fun and rewarding making bags…and my head is always full of new bag ideas. So, here is a pic of my work space:
When you open the flap there are two pockets in the front and a zipper pocket on the top:
I still have one more bag to put together and it will be purple.
It’s fun and I’m learning a lot about sewing. That is a fun thing about projects…you always learn something new! For instance, I learned about making the zipper at the top where it wraps around a corner…I’d never done that before.
And it gives you a neat look on top of the bag
When I’m finished with those bags I have a purse that I want to make…I’ll probably do that after Christmas, and then I want to make me a larger messenger bag at some point.
I’m also working with my sister-in-laws on a handmade family tree wall hanging thing…which has been fun…and you can read about that on Meagan’s blog!
Fun times with sewing!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Cool Stuff!!
A few things that really spoke to me this week:
1. Colossians 1:24 "Who now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up that which is behind the
afflictions of Christ"
I am no great scholar but I did look up more about this scripture and read through my devotional about this scripture and it is jammed full of great insight and information! When we tell others about the power of Christ, the redemption story, and we share only what He has done in our lives we are missing out on a great point. We are not sharing the "revelations of Jesus" -- therefore, the Spirit of God is held back in ministry because those listening are only gaining a better "spiritual culture" and not experiencing the power of Christ.
I know that I do have a tendency to share about Christ with others from my own personal experience of what He has done for me/to me. I do not share what Jesus actually did and His actual story. Hmm....
Also, noted is that when we look at a person's personality or words of wisdom or outer appearance we are not able to see that person the way Christ sees them. We get tangled up in their fleshness. In order to see them as Christ does we must look deeper at their Christ like characteristics. Some personalities will not mesh very well, but if we are sisters/brothers in Christ then we must learn to look past those flesh difference and acknowledge the heart, the motivation, and those things which each other do for Christ and like Christ! That spoke a lot to me, and really gave me a new perspective on the way I look at people, especially those who I clash with!
Then too...this scripture is written by Paul. He is saying here that he is rejoicing in his own sufferings for the sake of others because of the afflictions of Christ. Because Christ came and was afflicted for the church -- Christ then rose from the dead and is in Heaven -- the task of suffering was left to those on earth -- the church. So, Paul rejoicing because he is advancing the gospel. He is picking up where Christ left off (sort of). Christ charged us with the same role. We are His disciples and we are to also suffer for the generations that are to come. For our children - we are to stand up for the gospel so that the Word remains - and on and on. Cool stuff! :)
2. Another devotional I read this week was from I Thessalonians 3:2 "Fellow laborer in the gospel of Christ" -- and I quote "If you seek great things for yourself - God has called me for this and that; you are putting a barrier to God's use of you. As long as you have a personal interested in your own character...you cannot get through identification with God's interest."
Also, "God is using me from His great personal standpoint, and all He asks of me is that I trust Him, and never say - Lord, this gives me such heartache. To talk in this way makes me a clog. When I stop telling God what I want, He can catch me up for what he wants without let or hindrance. He can crumple me up or exalt me, He can do anything He chooses."
Again...cool stuff...that spoke to me this week and I wanted to share in my blog. Okay...off to work again!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Silly Me :)
HOWEVER, there are things that I need to improve on, and I don't need to keep waiting around for the next best thing for me to start working on becoming a better person. So tonight I decided to write down seven things that I want at this time of my life. Here goes:
7. I want my Master's in Social Work. Yes, I really do want my MSW. I really enjoy what I am learning. I love being involved with the social service world and I LOVE doing therapy. I trust that God has me in this program for a specific plan and purpose, and it is great how it goes along with Preston's goals and such. I am very happy in working towards this goal! It is good!
6. I want to be healthy. Here is one where I am struggling with. I would venture to say that Preston and I are healthier than that average 25 year old, but there is much room for improvement, which leads into number 5.
5. I want to disciplined. There are things that I do, which I feel very disciplined in, but not every area of my life. I want to become a truly disciplined person in every area of my life. I need to focus on discipline of my time, discipline in my hobbies, discipline in my time with the Lord, discipline in my exercise program, and so forth.
4. I want to be a selfless, loving godly woman. Not for my own sake, but for the sake of Jesus Christ. I love God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit! They are really AWESOME little oneness group there! I desire for others to feel the love of Christ through me, and I desire to love others the way that Christ wants me to. I struggle here, and I don't know that it is because my motivation is not to do so, but rather, because I am not bold -- and I am not bold when I have not been disciplined in spending quality, daily time with Jesus Christ.
3. I want to be a prayer warrior. There have been times in my life that I have felt, seen, heard, and known the real POWER of prayer. But, recently (like in the last couple of years) my prayer life has been dry and a struggle. I pray for people, but in passing thoughts. When I was in college I would spend time in mediation with the Lord and I had a vibrant prayer and visions life. It was wonderful. I do not know exactly what happen to get me off that road, but I believe that prayer is amazing and that we as Christians MUST pray...and so must I now!
2. I want to be AN AMAZING WIFE (and some day mother). I am a VERY blessed woman when it comes to husbands. Preston is such a wonderful and loyal man, and he is very strong in his faith and work ethic...etc. I love the way that Preston loves me and cares for me and about. I have enjoyed these last 3 1/2 years of marriage and I see the growth that we together have experienced. Our communication is much better than when we first got married, and our love really is stronger. There are a lot of things that Preston (and I) would say that I do right and well; however, there is ALWAYS room for improvement....and I want to continue learning, reading, and praying about becoming the best wife I can be. People who do well at their task are those who spend quality time learning and practicing.
1. I want to ALWAYS place God at the center of everything I do. I want to become bolder in my walk with the Lord. I want to become more passionate about serving God and I want to grow in my relationship with Him.
So, those are what I want. I don't want to get into further details because I already feel like I'm sharing too much, but anyway, this week I have simple plans to incorporate of little more of these into my daily day! One day at a time!
God is SO amazingly wonderful, and I am grateful that He loves me and blesses me. I know that the closer I walk with Him, the more my eyes will be opened to His blessings. In order to be a great wife I must get hubby some food before he vanishes away.......
God Bless
Krystal V
"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily."
- Zig Zigler
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Breaking the Fall
Then Preston and I went to a reception for a couple that recently got married. It was a sushi restaurant...they rented the whole place. It was a lot of fun and I LOVE sushi so that was great! Plus, they had these cute Asian theme cupcakes. Adorable!
We also got to experience Preston do a little dancing...yeah...priceless I know...wish you could have been there to see it! :)
We got to hang out with friends Brandon and Shantell. FUN TIMES FOR SURE!
Yes...then we went to Dollywood. Enjoying watching the horse walk around to make sorghum (however that is spelled). Preston enjoyed learning more about wood working tools, and then we both participated in a ropes "Adventure Mountain"....it actually was a bit scary at time and a lot of fun!
Then back to home we went...with our lovely and cute kittys! :)
SO....that was fall break. Tomorrow I go back to my normal schedule. Actually, I think the next part of the semester is going to be crazier. More papers due and harder junk. I looked over a syllabus today to get started and it just makes me stressed to think about what I have to do.
This first part of the semester, though, has gone VERY well. Though we are busy we find time to be together and we do random things to take good care of ourselves. We could ALWAYS spend more time with the family, but I know in time that will not be an issues at all.
Onward to part two of this semester.
I believe that my role right now is just to portray an attitude of love. I have already faced situations where I have had to leave because of what that situation was promoting, and though I genuinely care about everyone in the program with me there are limits to what I will support.
It is a crazy part that actually adds a little stress to my life. How to be a loving compassionate Christian woman in such an ungodly place. How to stand true to my beliefs and not be judgmental....it's a great experience...and it shows to me that God is SO very important to me...but I still struggle with wanting everyone to like me and not hurt their feelings.
-- peace out
P.S. I'm not sure about the pics and the writing around them...not sure how that happened etc...
Friday, October 8, 2010
Series of unfortunate...or fortunate events...lets take a look
So today a lady from work gave me a root for one of those viney plant things that grow in water. I was excited and so was Presto because he love naturey things in the house (it is soothing). However, we have a cat, and I have visions of me lying in bed and hearing a loud crash, splash, and meow all at once. I posted some pictures of the cat's first encounter with the plant. (just for fun). I actually have A LOT of work to get done for school. I'm freaking stressed right now (kind of) I don't really get super stressed. But, for me I am stressed. It's becoming the middle of the semester, I'm more tired, and I have midterms, papers, projects, etc. It is just crazy. This weekend i will be in Bristol ALL day on Sunday with the Regional Area Medical people, helping out doing social workey/case management type things. It will be a great experience I'm sure (I hope) however, it just adds to my already full schedule. So, why am here at my blog...I don't know. I do enjoy writing sometimes even if it is nonsensey...it gets my mind off things for a little while.
One thing that is going SUPER great is my field placement/internship. I working with two different therapy groups. One is specifically for women who are addicts and the women have children. The other group is for the general public who have addiction issues. Both groups are intense outpatient groups and so the members are required to come to group four days a week for three hours. THAT IS A LOT OF TIME. I am leading the regular group every Monday and the women's group on Friday's. I am learning a whole lot about the substance abuse population, and about therapy. I really enjoy therapy and I really enjoy working with alcohol and drug abusers. There is SO much to learn, and that is a part of this MSW program that is great. I am learning a whole lot of stuff. Stuff about people, stuff about children, stuff about myself, stuff about therapy, and stuff about plants and the body and random things.
The other day learned that the spleen actually does have a use. One of its uses is to help keep the body's ph levels in balance because the spleen is like a holding tank for some chemical (that has a long name and I don't remember). But, when your body is low on this chemical the spleen will release some of the extra it stores. Very random...DON'T LET THE DOCTOR'S TAKE OUT YOUR SPLEEN!! Just kidding, kind of. Things were put in our body for a reason...always strive to keep your body in tact.
WOW...I am rambling...looks like I am avoiding school work, huh? Guess I should get back to work! Below are pics of the plant and cat! Enjoy!
May the Lord bless you with a smile today!
Peace out
Saturday, October 2, 2010
What am I talking about?
Oh, well...we did purchase a treadmill. I am very happy about that. We have had it for about a week now. It is really nice, and it makes working out more convenient than me trying to work it out going to the gym at school all the time.
Preston's deadline for his disertation proposal is October 11th. He is supposed to turn it in to the committe this Monday morning for them to review it before he presents it. I'm SO excited for him and for all the hard work he has done thus far. He is such a dilligent worker and totally a man of perserverence. He is a great man of God and a good example for me.
After he proposes he will begin sending off applications for internship placements. I think his list has about 15 placements ranging from places in Michigan, Utah, Chicago, West Virginia, and Kentucky. It's crazy to think that less than a year from now Preston and I might be moving. Of course, there is a HUGE chance he will not get an internship because the school is currently not accredited, and there are limited placements that will accept non-accredited schools. SO - for all you praying kind of people - if you think about PRAY that the Lord has complete control over this situation and that if it's in HIS plans for Preston to get a placement this year that we have peace about that and if it is HIS plans that we wait a year that we have peace about that!
We'll see what happens. :) Off to type some more on my paper.........................maybe I should do some more reading first......................ahhh........so much work to do :)
Life is GRAND!! :)
Saturday, September 18, 2010
3 Weeks and counting.....
Friday, August 27, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Praise the Lord Moment!!
Just a quick note of Praise here! The Lord has been SO good to Preston and I. I'm glad that my husband is such a man of God who is patient and strong in his faith.
Anyway, I got another half GA position!! Which is great and it means that my entire schooling will be paid for and I will be getting a larger stipend. AND Preston and I will not be wiped out of savings account by the end of May! :) We are SO excited, and I'm a bit nervous because it does add an extra 10 hours to my week. I am trusting in God's leadership and He did open this door for us. I know that HE will give me strength to preserver in this year. Below is such a beautiful verse:

I am a blessed woman of God. I pray that I continue to follow His voice and live a fruitful life!
God is good....all the time....
:) Krystal
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
4.0 and counting....or rambling